Mr. Kooiker's 4th Grade Blog

Be Nice • Work Hard • Learn Well


Annual PE Apparel Sale

The annual PE Apparel ONLINE sale is open now until February 7.  Click the link to place an order from the online store


The annual fifth-grade candy cane sale is officially here!

The annual candy cane sale has returned. Our fifth-grade classes will sell candy canes to help raise money for their end-of-year activities. This year the sale runs from Wednesday, December 1 through Friday, December 17. The cost for each candy cane is $1.00, and they will be delivered the same day they are ordered. Thank you for your support and happy holidays!


The Hudsonville community is going to benefit…

…and we’re going bowling because of your generosity!

Excitement for the opportunity to help others grew quickly as the PE teachers announced that the PE CARES Food Drive would begin. Some students bought food items using their own money. Other students collected food items from their neighbors. Families worked together to gather food from their pantries or road tripped to the local grocery stores. 

In the end, 1,423 food items were collected by the students and families from our classroom. These donations were added to all of the food items gathered by the other classrooms in our school. Altogether, 7,956 food items were donated to Love Your Neighbor (formerly Love Inc.) and are now available to the Hudsonville community! 🙂 

Thank you for making this food drive a HUGE success! 🙂


Who were the winners in Walk-a-thon 2021?

The students and staff at Georgetown Elementary won!  Over $30,000 was raised to help cover costs for classroom supplies, technology upgrades, storage solutions, books, field trips, parent/child events and other needed items for each class. So, we all win!  Thank you students, parents, relatives, friends, and neighbors…your donations will make a HUGE difference at Georgetown!

Also, our class was recognized for having the highest participation of students to raise money for the walk-a-thon! As a result, we are looking forward to spending a $50 Amazon gift card on special things for our classroom AND enjoying donuts from Sprinkles! 🙂 

Finally, we finished third for total amount of money raised by a class! We were able to collect over $2,200 in donations! So, each person will receive a pedometer!

What an amazing walk-a-thon! Thanks again for all you did to help this event to be a HUGE success!



Walk-a-thon 2021

The 2021 walk-a-thon was a HUGE success! The weather was perfect and we had lots of fun! Also, I have a feeling that we (students, parents, family, friends, and staff of Georgetown) raised a lot of money which will help cover costs of classroom supplies, technology upgrades, storage solutions, books, field trips, parent/child events and many other needed items for each class. Thank you!

Donations will be accepted until noon on Friday, October 1…we should know the final numbers soon after!

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