Mr. Kooiker's 4th Grade Blog

Be Nice • Work Hard • Learn Well


Valentine’s Day Party

As we wrapped up our party, one of the students asked, “Are we supposed to be sweating?” I responded, “I’m not sure, but I do know that we had a lot of fun…and we enjoyed a really good snack!”

Students unwrapped presents with oven mitts, blew Q-tips through straws at a bowl, and completed a variety of challenging relay races. They were also treated to yogurt parfait and opened Valentines from classmates.

Please watch the Animoto presentation below to get a glimpse of our celebration.

Thanks again to all of you who went above and beyond in giving your time, energy, and resources to make this celebration so special!  


Summer Fun!

What an incredible summer!  I have been able to do some things that I really enjoy, like…

camping and hiking in the Smoky Mountains…


enjoying a fish feast…


and cooling off at the lake with nieces and nephews.

I’ve also been able to squeeze in a few house projects…like painting the basement and power washing the deck.

I can’t wait to hear about some of the fun things you have done!

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