Mr. Kooiker's 4th Grade Blog

Be Nice • Work Hard • Learn Well


Last week, we experienced…


…a couple of firsts. 

One of the opportunities that we have as fourth graders at Georgetown is to gather paper for recycling at our school.


Every fourth Friday, our class will go to all of the classrooms (and the office) to get the paper that they have set out in their recycle boxes.  



We will put it all into plastic bags and haul it out to the paper gaiter. It’s work…and it’s fun! 🙂


The second first is that our class was recognized for OUTSTANDING behavior in Music!  It was a total team effort!  We are going to work hard to make this the first of many! 🙂



Outstanding Year!

It truly was an OUTSTANDING year! This amazing class was recognized for outstanding behavior fifty-five times. 

The majority of their “outstandings” were earned in Art, Music, P.E. and STEAM. What makes it even more amazing is that in November, the teachers in these areas let the students know that they “will be ‘upping the game’ with a new focus to earn an outstanding certificate.” This meant that they not only expected students to work quietly, listen/follow directions, and clean up, but they would also need to excel in teamwork and inclusion. The students rose to the challenge! 

Other “outstandings” were earned throughout the day and in a variety of ways including the the lunchroom, hallway, and classroom!

This accomplishment required every student in the classroom to work hard, be a leader (using words and actions), and respond to classmates reminders to fix things up when needed. They understood that their individual choices made a significant impact on the class as a whole.

Wow! This special group of fourth graders set the bar incredibly high for all of the students at Georgetown Elementary! Way to go outstanding students of room 304! 🙂


It’s time to celebrate!

smile clipartThis class is going places that no other class has ever gone! Tomorrow, February 10, we will celebrate having been recognized forty times for outstanding behavior! This is a REALLY big deal!

We brainstormed ideas of how to celebrate. They came fast and furious. I have to admit, the list of possibilities was pretty impressive.

After the votes were tallied, the winners were a pizza lunch, extra reading time, blanket forts, and electronics/games time. 


  • I will provide two slices of pizza from Jet’s and Hawaiian Punch for each person. Students are welcome to supplement as desired.
  • We will build blanket forts and read in them. Flashlights might be helpful…and fun!
  • We will also have time for electronics/games. Please talk with your child about appropriate electronics to bring and games to play.  

We’re looking forward to a fun time of celebrating!  


Pizza Celebration!

smile clipartIt’s time to celebrate!  Tomorrow, October 27, we will celebrate being recognized twenty times for outstanding behavior with a pizza lunch.

I will provide two slices of pizza from Little Caesers and Hawaiian Punch for each person.  Students are welcome to  supplement as desired.



What a day!

good job

Yesterday, we had an OUTSTANDING day in our classroom!  The kids excelled in being respectful and responsible throughout the day.  We were even able to have a lot of fun!

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